google next recap

It was great to see everyone (all 30,000 of you) at Google Next last week. Four things stand out as potential game-changers:

  • Gemini Pro 1.5: I loved hearing about this release and how it powers so many new capabilities, especially for code acceleration (Code Assist) and operations (Cloud Assist). They’ve got an integrated vision that really differentiates them in the market.
  • RAG + Agents: As retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) goes mainstream, the next generation of GenAI powered capability will be powered by agents. As I’ve written before, combining RAG and conversational search enables some interesting new use cases and tools like Google’s new Vertex AI Agent Builder will make agent development even easier.
  • GenAI is delivering value: Everyone at Google Next was talking about how our entire industry is moving past proof of concept for GenAI-enabled solutions and into production. Takeaway? The solutions being deployed are delivering real business value for enterprise clients across industries.

Finally, Google owns their entire AI platform – from chips to agents, end to end – so they’ll be able to bring innovative, integrated solutions to market faster than they ever could before. They can engineer an entire solution top to bottom and say, “Yep, it's all ours.”

About the Author

Tyson Hartman

Tyson Hartman - CTO, Infogain, brings three decades of experience as a technology and strategy leader.

Engineering our technology vision and translating it into actionable strategies for the company and our clients, he advises­­ them on their technology roadmap and vision. The company’s innovation labs and tech-specific interest groups follow his direction, and he is a mentor to our senior solution architects.

He has led numerous digital transformations, including launching new entrepreneurial ventures inside existing enterprises. At West Monroe, Tyson focused on offerings, strategy and assets. As the CTO of Avanade, his thought leadership advanced change through innovative applications of cloud computing and big data.

A graduate of the University of Southern California and a member of the IEEE Computer Society, Tyson volunteers at educational and civic organizations in the Seattle area, where he is based.