This UK-based pharma company had invested in data analytics but couldn’t share information with users quickly. It had multiple internal and external data sources, including Tableau and other data visualization tools. It also had dashboards for business users and a team of data analysts to help access specific insights.
But as its system grew, so did the number of requests for help from the data analysis team.

This UK-based pharma company had strong data analytics but couldn’t share information with business users quickly.
Our client needed an easy, automated way to answer basic analysis questions and guide users to the appropriate dashboard that was simple enough for non-technical users to use, yet powerful enough to provide real-time insights.
We developed a robust platform for strategic analysis, reporting, and real-time insights. It brought together data from all sources, databases and dashboards at a single access point, with self-serve functionalities for answering questions about Salesforce activities and its impact on sales. It was also powered with an easy, automated way to answer basic analysis questions and guide users to the appropriate dashboard.
In 15 weeks, we integrated ASK NAVIK, a natural language generation (NLG) powered chatbot with our client’s existing infrastructure. This AI-enhanced chatbot assistant is part of NAVIK, Infogain’s AI platform, and uses natural language processing (NLP) to understand spoken queries like, “How did brand A do in Central Europe last year?” It automatically finds the information and presents it in a natural format (e.g., “Brand A sales grew 2% in the Central Europe market in 2019”).
Now there’s no waiting for answers, and the data teams spends their time more effectively. Users get what they need in seconds, not days. Different types of data—such as sales, activity and shipment information—are available to users whenever and wherever they need it. This tool has also empowered business users to get their own information at their own pace, and the brand can scale its BI investments as needed.
- Competitive comparison between five competitors based on sales volume, sales value, market share, growth, target, achievement.
- Reduced client’s manual effort by eight person-days/month and enabled flexibility for real-time and ad hoc reporting.
- Chatbot functionality gave non-technical staff an edge to generate reports using simple everyday language through NLP, which provided accurate, relevant data to the end user.
- Using leading indicators, the client was able to identify market and sales trends in seconds that helped it take corrective measures in specific regions and areas.

Our platform combines data from all databases and dashboards into one point.

Self-serve features let business users create their own reports.

We integrated a natural language generation (NLG) chatbot with client infrastructure.

AI-based natural language processing (NLP) can respond to spoken queries.
data availability -
days lead time -
person-days/month saved

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NAVIK AI solutions for Sales, Marketing, Operations, and Technology turn data from across your organization into insights that drive revenue, efficiency, and results.
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