Build a modern cloud IoT platform

Build an IoT platform with cloud scale and agility to deploy and manage IoT-connected devices, ingest telemetry for analytics and building intelligence, enable real-time stream cloud and edge analytics, and adopt digital twin technology to monitor, simulate, and streamline devices. Connect networks of intelligent twins to create living models in the form of mirrored environments for smart factories, airports, fleets, and more.

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Build an adaptive IoT platform in the cloud

The cloud is rich with ready-to-configure services to rapidly build and evolve your IoT platform. Stand up an IoT platform with device connectivity, device management, telemetry management, and security. Then meet evolving needs with real-time stream processing application logic, analytics and intelligence development, and connected, control and intelligent apps.

Device Connectivity

Deploy reliable, secure, and trustworthy connectivity management between devices and the IoT platform, with the ability to efficiently manage multi-protocol, multilayer, and multi-network connections.

Device Management

Implement device provisioning, registry, identification, remote administration, updates, log collection and management, fault tolerance, troubleshooting, diagnostics, remote reboot, and other management capabilities.

Telemetry Management

Implement telemetry stream ingestion and real-time processing, combined with data storage, analysis, and visualization. Enable real-time stream processing with smart actions using application logic.

Application Enablement

Build application logic to coordinate the handling of IoT device data, create chains of conditional statements, and enable the execution of smart actions using sequence matching algorithms.


Secure data integrity and confidentiality through authentication, identification, encryption at different levels (device, network, and application), and other network privacy and security features.

Cloud IoT Platform Ops

Enrich your core IoT platform with IoT services for streamlined device connectivity, device management, telemetry ingestion, application logic, and security management.