ET CIO features Anil Kaul, CAIO at Infogain, who emphasizes the importance of viewing AI as more than a just a tool.

Anil Kaul, Chief AI Officer, EVP AI and Analytics at Infogain

The industry story coverage in ET CIO, titled “AI-powered operations: Five power tools for CIOs”, highlights five AI-powered tools that CIOs can leverage to optimize IT operations, tools for intelligent automation, predictive analytics, anomaly detection, or cloud management, showcasing their benefits and how they drive efficiency.

The story sheds light on how AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) represents a transformative approach that combines the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) with traditional IT operations management practices.

Anil Kaul, CAIO - Infogain, shared his insights on the importance of AI as more than a tool that aims to enhance and automate various aspects of IT operations, including monitoring, incident management, problem resolution, and capacity planning.

Read the original story here.

CIOs orchestrate a harmonious blend of cutting-edge technologies, seamlessly intertwining AI , machine learning, automation, and data analytics. The result? Operations that hum with streamlined precision, as businesses discover newfound efficiencies, witness cost reductions, and deliver extraordinary experiences that leave customers spellbound.

CIOs today don the cape of corporate superheroes. They stand as trailblazers, leading their organizations on an expedition of growth and advancement. Their bold embrace of AI and allied technologies propels businesses forward, weaving a tapestry of innovation, where processes hum with newfound efficiency and brilliance.

AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) represents a transformative approach that combines the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) with traditional IT operations management practices. It aims to enhance and automate various aspects of IT operations, including monitoring, incident management, problem resolution, and capacity planning.

Leveraging these AI power tools enables CIOs to streamline operations, increase efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver enhanced customer experiences.

Automation for Streamlining Operations

CIOs can adopt a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks, enhancing operational efficiency. By deploying software robots, organizations can reduce errors, improve productivity, and allow employees to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Intelligent Workflow Management Solution

CIOs can leverage an intelligent workflow automation tool that integrates AI capabilities with workflow management systems. This powerful tool enables the analysis, optimization, and automation of business processes, eliminating bottlenecks and facilitating seamless collaboration across teams and systems. It ultimately leads to enhanced operational efficiency and streamlined operations.

Proactive Maintenance Solution

CIOs can implement a predictive maintenance tool powered by AI algorithms to anticipate equipment failures and maintenance needs. By monitoring and analyzing data from sensors and systems, organizations can proactively address maintenance requirements, minimize downtime, optimize resource allocation, and prolong the lifespan of critical assets.

Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence Platform

CIOs can utilize an advanced analytics and business intelligence tool that harnesses the power of AI and machine learning to extract valuable insights from large datasets. By analyzing operational data, identifying trends, and discovering optimization opportunities, organizations can make informed, data-driven decisions to streamline operations and enhance overall efficiency.

AI-Enabled Supply Chain Management Solution

To optimize complex supply chain processes, CIOs can adopt an AI- powered supply chain management tool. This tool leverages machine learning algorithms to automate inventory management, optimize transportation routes, and improve demand forecasting accuracy. By doing so, organizations can reduce costs, improve resource allocation, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Anil Kaul, Chief AI Officer at Infogain, emphasizes the importance of viewing AI as more than just a tool. "If you think of it as a tool, I would say, using frameworks that help you identify the use cases upfront, where you should be testing and then scaling AI, is extremely critical." Kaul acknowledges that there have been instances where new technologies, like blockchain, generated a lot of noise without delivering substantial use cases. To overcome skepticism, he advises, "Use the right tools to identify these use cases and then proceed quickly. The first part has to be planned, and then you move quickly. It's not just a tool; it's a step framework that you have to utilize," he says.

Puneet Gupta, Vice President and Managing Director at NetApp India/SAARC, highlights the significance of building a comprehensive data pipeline to unleash the full potential of AI.

He explains, "To unleash the full potential of AI, it will be essential for organizations to build a data pipeline or fabric that spans across on- premises, hosted data centers, and hyperscaler cloud, with real-time visibility and manageability." According to Gupta, this approach allows organizations to harness all available information promptly and maximize business impact.